Helix User Guide
Creating New Patient Records

1.      Ensure you are logged in as a non-clinical user.

2.      Click to select the Patient panel.

3.      Before creating the new patient record, enter the patient's name to ensure they do not already have a record.


4.      To create a new patient record, click

o      This button is not available until you have entered their name into the field provided.


The Patient Details window appears. Text you entered into the search field is automatically added to the surname field in the patient's record.e



5.      Complete as much of the record as possible, using the table below as a guide. Note that some fields are required, as noted within.

o      Some fields offer you the opportunity to indicate that the information was not available. Mark this where applicable.


Field Name



Patient ID


o      The patient identification number is set automatically by Helix when a new patient record is saved.

Patient Preferences


o      Access Patient Preferences via located at the top of this form.


Field Name



Patient ID


o      The patient identification number is set automatically by Helix when a new patient record is saved.

Patient Preferences


o      Access Patient Preferences via located at the top of this form.


My Health Record:

Indicate whether the patient consents to uploading of clinical documents to My Health Record. The default is Opt-In.


Indicate whether the patient wishes to op-out of the Practice Incentive Program.


Indicate whether the patient consents to uploading of prescriptions via a Prescription Exchange. The default is Opt-In.


Indicate whether the patient consents to receiving SMS reminders about upcoming appointments.


Indicate whether the patient consents to being contacted regarding Health Reminders and/or Offers & Promotions. The default is Opt-In.


Patient Status


o      Default is Active. Can be toggled to indicate that the patient is inactive.



o      Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr.

o      Upon selecting a title, the patient's gender is automatically selected (except for Dr).



o      Male, Female, Not Specified by Patient.



o      Free-text field.

o      No special characters are allowed except for space, hyphen, and apostrophe. If a hyphen or apostrophe is used, there cannot be a space before or after it.

o      Use this field if the patient refers to themselves with a single name.

First Name


o      Free-text field

o      No special characters are allowed except for space, hyphen and apostrophe. If a hyphen or apostrophe is used, there cannot be a space before or after it.

o      If the patient refers themselves by a single name, enter their name into the Surname field, and then enter ‘Onlyname’ into the First Name field.

Middle Name


o      Free-text field.

Preferred Name


o      Free-text field.

o      Is displayed in (brackets) near the patient’s name in their record.

Date of Birth


o      Accepts numerals only.

o      Is automatically formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.

o      The patient's age will be determined automatically after recording their date of birth.



o      At least 1 address is required.

o      When Suburb is entered, a list of matching options is displayed. If an option from the list is selected, State and Postcode are automatically populated.

o      Add a postal address by clicking


Contact Numbers


o      Area codes for land-lines are added automatically, based on the State in the Address field.

o      If adding an emergency contact, you must include the contact's name, and their relationship to the patient.

o      Add additional contacts (including Next of Kin) by clicking the



o      Email must be in the correct format.

Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI)


Helix performs an IHI search upon saving the patient's record, provided you have entered their Medicare/DVA number, name, date of birth, gender, and address.

o      If an IHI number is found, it is displayed in the header.

o      If no IHI is found, a message is displayed; ‘No IHI is available’.



'No. Status' Options:


o      No date of death recorded.

o      Age is not greater than 130 years.

o      Is not expired.


o      Date of death present on the record, but has not yet been matched with Fact of Death Data (FoDD) from Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries.

o      Age is not greater than 130 years.


Date of death present on the record, and either;

o       Also matched with FoDD.

o      Has reached an age of 130 years (verified IHI records only).


Provisional, and there has been no activity on the record for 90 days, or where it is unverified and has reached an age of 130 years.


Has been linked with another record as part of the resolving of a provisional record, or resolving a duplicate record, or end-dated as part of the replica resolution process.




'Record Status' Options:


Allocated to an individual that is a known customer of DHS, DVA or Department of Defence, or has provided evidence of identity information that has been recorded in the HI Service by the HI Service Operator to establish the identity of the healthcare individual.


Allocated to an individual when the individual has not provided evidence of identity to DHS. An Unverified IHI can be merged with another Unverified or Verified IHI record. Unverified IHIs are generally reserved for non DHS eligible individuals (overseas visitors/diplomats, newborns not yet registered with DHS) or individuals who are seeking healthcare and would like to remain anonymous.


Allocated to an individual if they are unconscious or incapacitated and unknown to the healthcare facility. Provisional IHIs are able to be updated to an Unverified IHI record or merged with an existing (Unverified or Verified) IHI via a healthcare facility or updated to a Verified IHI via the HI Service Operator by providing evidence of identity. Provisional IHIs will expire 90 days after the last date of use.


o      If a duplicate IHI is found a message is displayed. The HI service should be notified about the duplication.



o      If the patient has a Medicare card, enter a valid Medicare number, IRN, and expiry date.

o      The Medicare field is mandatory. Select 'Not Provided' if no details are available.

o      A validation is done with Medicare when the number is entered. If the number is invalid, an error message is displayed.

Concession Card


o      If the patient has a concession card, click and select HCC, PCC, SCC or Not provided.

o      Enter the concession card number and expiry date.



o      If the patient has a DVA card, click on the DVA icon and select N/A, DVA All or DVA Specific.

o      Enter the file number and expiry date.

o      If a DVA card is entered then no Medicare details are shown.



Select from:

o      Aboriginal

o      Torres Strait Islander

o      Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

o      Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander

o      Not Stated/Inadequately Described

Closing the Gap


Indicate whether this patient is eligible for the PBS 'Close the Gap' assistance. The PBS Close the Gap Co-payment measure has been developed to provide assistance to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to improve access to PBS medicines through co-payment relief. Practices wanting to participate in the PBS co-payment measure must register by completing  the PIP Indigenous Health Incentive form. Contact the Department of Health and Ageing for information.

Please note that the Practice and Patient must be registered and meet the criteria for Close the Gap incentives before generating CTG scripts in Helix. Learn more about the Close the Gap Incentive.

Carer Details


o      Enter a Title, Surname, First name, Address, and Contact number for the patient’s carer (if applicable).

Payer Details


o      If you wish to add payer details for the account, deselect the Patient is Payer button and enter a Title, Surname, First name, DOB, Address, Contact Number and Medicare details for the payer.

Patient Notes


1.      Click to record notes about the patient.

o      Enter your note in the space provided.

o      Optionally flag the note as important. Notes flagged like this will be displayed when the patient record is open.

o      By default a new note is assumed to be active. If you wish to deactivate it, click the toggle.

       This toggle, along with any deactivated notes, can only be seen by Admin users.

       To reactivate a note, click its associated button to select it, and then click the toggle.


2.      Click  The new note is added to the list of notes for this patient.

o      To edit a saved note, click its associated button to select it, make any changes, and then save it again. Notes can only be edited on the same day they were written, and only by the original author.

o      To deactivate a note, click its associated button to select it, and then click the toggle.





o      No date of death recorded.

o      Age is not greater than 130 years.

o      Is not expired.


o      Date of death present on the record, but has not yet been matched with Fact of Death Data (FoDD) from Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries.

o      Age is not greater than 130 years.


Date of death present on the record, and either;

o       Also matched with FoDD.

o      Has reached an age of 130 years (verified IHI records only).


Provisional, and there has been no activity on the record for 90 days, or where it is unverified and has reached an age of 130 years.


Has been linked with another record as part of the resolving of a provisional record, or resolving a duplicate record, or end-dated as part of the replica resolution process.

'Record Status' Options:


o      If a duplicate IHI is found a message is displayed. The HI service should be notified about the duplication.




o      If the patient has a Medicare card, enter a valid Medicare number, IRN, and expiry date.

o      The Medicare field is mandatory. Select 'Not Provided' if no details are available.

o      A validation is done with Medicare when the number is entered. If the number is invalid, an error message is displayed.

Concession Card


o      If the patient has a concession card, click and select HCC, PCC, SCC or Not provided.

o      Enter the concession card number and expiry date.



o      If the patient has a DVA card, click on the DVA icon and select N/A, DVA All or DVA Specific.

o      Enter the file number and expiry date.

o      If a DVA card is entered then no Medicare details are shown.



Select from:

o      Aboriginal

o      Torres Strait Islander

o      Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

o      Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander

o      Not Stated/Inadequately Described

Closing the Gap


Carer Details


o      Enter a Title, Surname, First name, Address, and Contact number for the patient’s carer (if applicable).

Payer Details


o      If you wish to add payer details for the account, deselect the Patient is Payer button and enter a Title, Surname, First name, DOB, Address, Contact Number and Medicare details for the payer.

Patient Notes


1.      Click to record notes about the patient.

o      Enter your note in the space provided.

o      Optionally flag the note as important. Notes flagged like this will be displayed when the patient record is open.

o      By default a new note is assumed to be active. If you wish to deactivate it, click the toggle.

       This toggle, along with any deactivated notes, can only be seen by Admin users.

       To reactivate a note, click its associated button to select it, and then click the toggle.


2.      Click  The new note is added to the list of notes for this patient.

o      To edit a saved note, click its associated button to select it, make any changes, and then save it again. Notes can only be edited on the same day they were written, and only by the original author.

o      To deactivate a note, click its associated button to select it, and then click the toggle.




6.      An OPV is checked against the patient’s name and Medicare details. Alternatively, an OVV is checked against a patient’s name and DVA details.

o      If there are any discrepancies, an alert is displayed in yellow. This alert can be dismissed, or the associated details may be updated. If the verification is successful, a success message is displayed.

o      OPV and OVV checks are performed when a new patient is added, when an update is made to a patient’s details, and when a patient presents for the first time on that day.

o      This verification may take a few minutes to perform, as communication with Medicare’s system is required. A spinner   is displayed while it is communicating. A failed message displays if communication cannot be made.


7.      (optional) Patient alerts are displayed in red at the bottom of the panel. To add an alert click  and select the alert type from the list.


8.      Click Save Patient Record button to save the patient's record.

o      If you wish to close the patient's record without saving any changes, click  located at the top-right of their record.